
Here you will find recipes shared with us by our customers and some we have created ourselves.


Sausage and Tysilio Pasta Bake (Serves 4)



A pack of your favourite sausages (8 pack)

A pack of Tysilio

Your favourite pasta

One large red onion or two small

A jar of your go to pasta bake sauce (I love Tomato & Bacon)



Chop your onion and quickly fry in the frying pan

Cook your pasta whilst your frying your sausages in the same pan as your onion.

Add everything to an ovenproof dish, chop the Tysilio and add as much as you like into the dish (I usually use the whole round because why not?)

Add salt and pepper and pop in the oven for 30 to 50 minutes.


 Broccoli & Smoked Stilton Soup

Smoked Stilton and BroccoliBroccoli and Smoked Stilton Soup


2 x Whole Broccoli 

1 x Smoked Stilton 

1 x Red or White Large Onion

5 x Medium/Large Potatoes

2 x Veg Stock Cubes


Salt & Pepper


Get a fairly large saucepan and chop the broccoli ends into it and you'll be left with the stem. (no mess) 

Chop the potatoes and place into the saucepan (skin on)

Quarter the onion and place in the pan

Add the stock cubes and top up with water, add salt & pepper.

I make sure to add enough water to cook the potatoes and so i can get about 6 portions out of it easily. If you'd like to make less you can add less water. The soup will also be thicker.

I usually cook the soup on a low heat for at least 2 hours. 

Then chop up my stilton (I use all of it) and add it to the soup and cook for at least 10 minutes. 

You can blitz the soup in your blender for a smooth soup. I have a handheld blitzer that i use straight in the saucepan (when the soup is cooled)

I then transfer the soup into individual tupperware pots and freeze for convenience.

TIP: I tend to chop my potatoes large because i cook the soup for a while, but if you want to make this a quick soup i'd chop the potatoes up smaller. And let it cook on a higher heat for less time.


 Smoked Bacon Mac'n'Cheese

Smoked Bacon Mac'n'Cheese


A Pack of Smoked Bacon Ends or Smoked Bacon Rashers

1 Large Red Onion

Pasta of your choosing

Cheese (You could also use our smoked cheddar for extra smokey goodness)


Chop and fry the onion, chop and fry the bacon

Put your pasta on to cook whilst frying

Make your cheese sauce (everyone has their own way of making this or you can find a suitable recipe for you on google)

Add everything together and season.. and serve.